Leather case with zip

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Art. 731 Liturgy of the Hours Case 4 volumes 18.4x11 h 5 cm.

Art. 732 Jerusalem Bible Case 19.7x13 h 6 cm.

Art. 733 Bible Case Via Verità e Vita – Ed. San Paolo 22.4x15 h 5.7cm.

Art. 734 Case Liturgy of the Hours – Vatican single volume 16.7x11 h 4.7 cm.

Art. 735 Festive/Weekday Missal San Paolo 19.3x11.3 h 5.5 cm.

Art. 736 Missal Dehoniane Editions Bologna 15.3x11 h 4.7 cm.

Art. 737 Festive LDC missal 18.5x11.7 h 3.5 cm.

Art. 738 LDC weekday missal 18.5x11.7 h 5.5 cm.

Art. 739 Franciscan Liturgy of the Hours 17.8x11.7 h 5 cm.

Art. 740 Pocket Bible Case 13.7x10.5 h 5 cm.

Art. 743 PIEMME small case 15.6x11.7 h 5.4 cm.

Art. 743/1 PIEMME case large 20.2x14.5 h 5.2 cm.

Art. 744 Jerusalem Bible EDB Study and Daily Missal and Marietti large 21.7x15.2 h 6 cm.

Art. 746 Jerusalem Bible EDB Pocket 15.3x10.7 h 6.5 cm.

Art. 747 TOB Bible Case small 18.8x13 h 6.2

Art. 748 TOB Bible Case large 22.6x15.5 h 7

Art. 749 Marietti small missal cover 16.8x11.7 h 6 cm.

From 1992 to today. Calandrini SRL All rights reserved. Partial or total reproduction without explicit authorization is a crime punishable by law.